Torah Readers Reflections

Summary of Parashat Vayetzei

This weeks portion focuses on Jacob and specifically his time away in Haran working for Laban. At the end of last weeks portion we saw Jacob running away from Esau, fearing for his life. The following is a quick summary of the events that take part in this weeks portion of Vayetzei.
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This weeks portion focuses on Jacob and specifically his time away in Haran working for Laban. At the end of last weeks portion we saw Jacob running away from Esau, fearing for his life. The following is a quick summary of the events that take part in this weeks portion of Vayetzei.

  1. Jacob leaves his hometown of Beersheva and journeys to Haran
  2. Jacon sleeps in "The place" and dreams about angels climbing and descending a laddder
  3. God promises Jacob the covenental promise of the land and descendants
  4. In Haran Jacob works for Laban, Laban promises to give Jacob Rachel, who he loves, to marry
  5. Laban is decietful and instead gives him Leah
  6. Jacob agrees to work for Laban for an additional 7 years and marries Rachel
  7. Leah gives birth to 6 sons; Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun and a daughter, Dinah
  8. Rachel remains childless and gives Jacob her handmaid Bilah who gives birth to Dan and Naphtali
  9. Leah gives Jacob her handmaid, Zilpah who gives bith to Dan and Asher
  10. Rachel's prayers are answered and she gives birth to Joseph
  11. Jacon prospers and after 20 years he stealthly leaves Haran with all his wealth in case Laban tries to stop him
  12. Laban pursues Jacon but is warned by God not to harm him
  13. Laban and Jacob make a pact on Mount Gal-Ed, Jacob proceeds to the Holy Land where he is met by angels



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